Francisco S. Melo


I'm an artificial intelligence researcher and educator working in problems of planning and learning under uncertainty.

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About me

I’m currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico, and a Senior Researcher at INESC-ID, working with the Group on Artificial Intelligence for People and Society.


Instituto Superior Técnico
TagusPark, Edifício IST
Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva
2744-016 Porto Salvo

Phone: +351 210 407 002
Fax: +351 214 233 290

fmelo (at) inesc-id (dot) pt


My main research interests are in machine learning and decision-theoretic planning, and in the exploration of models and algorithms from these fields of AI that may enable the development of intelligent autonomous agents capable of interacting with other agents (human or artificial) in complex, possibly unknown environments. My research thus lies at the intersection of different sub-fields within artificial intelligence, such as decision-theoretic planning (and its applications to human-robot interaction and collaborative multi-agent scenarios), general reinforcement learning, active learning, and interactive machine learning.

Research Interests:


Research Projects



Students and post-docs

Current PhD students:

Current MSc students:

Past post-doctoral collaborators:

Past PhD students:

Past MSc students: